Results of Benthic Survey of Sepember 2011
Site Phylum Class Order Family Scientific Name Quantity Weight (g) Average weight (g)
WS1A None -- -- -- -- -- -- --
WS1B None -- -- -- -- -- -- --
WS1C None -- -- -- -- -- -- --
WS1D Annelida Polychaeta Scolecida Maldanidae Praxillela spp. 1 0.0068 0.0068
WS1E Annelida Polychaeta Canalipalpata Cirratulidae Chaetozone spp. 1 0.0554 0.0554
Mollusca Gastropoda Neogastropoda Nassariidae Nassarius siquijorensis 1 0.0031 0.0031
WS1F Annelida Polychaeta Scolecida Maldanidae Praxillela spp. 1 0.0090 0.0090
WS1G Annelida Polychaeta Scolecida Maldanidae Praxillela spp. 2 0.0200 0.0100
WS1H None -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Sediment Size Distribution     Range
Parameter       Station WS1
Size Spectrum (Percentage of sand/silt/clay) Size Spectrum (>2000µm), % 0.8
Size Spectrum (63-2000µm), % 13
Size Spectrum (<63µm), % 86