The mascot design competition has been finished successfully, below is the result:
Result | Name | Details |
First Prize |
Ng Wai Lung |
渠務英雄滴滴 滴滴是渠務英雄,肩負防洪淨流的重任,確保城市順利運作,保障市民性命財產,具有先進的裝備,卓越的頭腦,能未雨綢繆,默默為大眾服務,是香港的無名英雄﹗ |
Second Prize |
Chung Chau Ying |
渠水君 吉祥物「渠水君」以藍色和灰色為主色,頭上一顆大大水滴髮型和戴著渠蓋圖案的帽子以代表渠務署,背面添加渠蓋圖案的翅膀,讓它也可在天空監察河道和氣味。 |
Third Prize |
Lau Yan Tung |
通通掂 作品以河狸為設計藍本,河狸是天生的建築師,可愛、聰明又勤奮,時刻確保家園不會因水患問題而受影響。「通通掂」身穿印有心形的工作服,象徵我們關心愛護香港﹗雙手拿著電筒檢查四周,一有發現就會通知渠務署。 |
Merit |
Yuen Wai Ping Natalie |
Flora Flora 是一個花仙子,水滴代表清水,頭上紫荊花代表香港。設計概念來自河道綠化計劃,渠務署除了致力改善河道的排水能力外,還把綠化概念融入工程中,不但可美化環境,更有助提升生物多樣性。希望Flora日後可以介紹渠務署的工作及加深市民對部門的認識。 |
Merit |
Wong Wing Yi |
清太郎 (Kuriaro) 清太郎是以香港特有瀕危物種—盧氏小樹蛙為藍本。小樹蛙最大特徵的地方是背部呈有交叉斑紋,我把這個班紋改成DSD中的S,代表渠務署以提供優質服務為己任。此外,清太郎身體顏色為湖水綠,能給人一種潔淨和穩定的感覺。 |
Merit |
Leung Mun Yin |
洛洛(Roro) 洛洛是微型機械人,小巧的身型便於在各種水渠、河道及水道進行巡查、清淤及修理。護目鏡能接收到渠務狀況,盡速處理問題。 手掌能釋出化學品去除污染物。動力來源自頭頂的太陽能光伏板及流水時的動能。每天為了社群健康和環保而努力﹗ |
Merit |
Wong Sui Sum |
管管牛 設計理念為表達渠務署有一流的污水、雨水處理服務,以渠管和牛作設計。 牛象徴 「力量、勇敢、勤奮」; 比喻渠務署如牛般每天努力工作。又要面對惡劣天氣導致的洪水問題,亦有能力處理突發事故。 而渠務署透過渠管運輸污水、雨水,渠管滿佈香港,如成為渠務署的身體一部份。 |
Merit |
Lui Ho Yin |
水渠俠 大家好,我是水渠俠。很高興參加今次的吉祥物選舉,真是十分期待加入渠務署,成為這大家庭的一份子。我希望透過各項外展教育活動,讓同學們及社區多了解渠務署的工作和使命,相信憑著團隊迎難而上的決心,必可令香港的可持續發展更進一步。 |
Winners will be notified by letter and invited to attend the prize presentation.
- Organizer: Drainage Services Department (DSD)
- Purpose
- To encourage citizens to unleash the creativity by designing a mascot to represent DSD, and introduce the work of flood prevention and sewage treatment
- To enhance citizens' understanding to the work of DSD
- Target
All citizens in Hong Kong (All staff of the organizer, contractor, members of the judging panel and their immediate family members are not allowed to participate in this Competition.)
- Schedule
- Application and entry submission: 2 – 30 Sept 2019 (23:59)
(Late submission will not be accepted) - Entry Assessment: 2 – 10 Oct 2019
- Result Announcement: Late Oct 2019
- Prize Presentation: Date to be announced later
- Application and entry submission: 2 – 30 Sept 2019 (23:59)
- Rules and Eligibility
- All entries must conform to the theme of the Competition, and all entries must be original, have neither been openly shown no publicized in any other media platforms, nor have been submitted for other competitions.
- A participant can only submit one entry. Only the latest entry will be accepted if more than one has been received.
- An entry should not contain any material that is obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, disparaging or content that is controversial and inappropriate.
- Participants are to abide by the Organizer's decision on all matters relating to the Competition, including the right to adopt the winning entries for the mascot of Organizer without prior notice.
- Decisions of the judges are final. The participants are not allowed to object and the Competition does not have an appeal mechanism.
- All staff of the Organizer, contractor, members of the judging panel and their immediate family members are not allowed to participate in this Competition.
- Format of Entries
- There is no limitation for presentation of the design concept, while no physical model is accepted.
- In order to encourage creativity and innovation, the design of mascot can be presented as but not limited to human character, animal, robot, super hero, character whom can communicate with people and humanized object.
- The mascot must be a single character.
- The entries must include four sides (front, back, left and right); hand drawing format must be drawn on A4 size blank paper and scanned in jpg or pdf format, the resolution should be at least 300dpi while the file size should not be less than 1M and not be larger than 5M.
- Other entry formats (for example, photo taking of model or figure) and their submissions must be in jpg or pdf format. Resolution should be at least 300dpi while the file size should not be less than 1M and not be larger than 5M. Using Clipart is not allowed.
- Naming and measurement of the mascot is required. A summary of the content should be provided either in Chinese or English (within 50-100 words).
- Application and Entry Submission:
Email the application form and entries to:
- Prize
1st winning entry: HK$5,000 award and certificate
2nd winning entry: HK$3,000 award and certificate
3rd Winning entry: HK$2,000 award and certificate
Merit (5 places): HK$1,000 award and certificate
- Judging Criteria
(1) Overall Composition: design and techniques 40% (2) Expression of theme: mascot design for DSD 30% (3) Creativity: innovative ideas 30%
- Judging panel
DSD will establish a professional judging panel to select the winning entries.
- Results Announced
The results of the competition will be announced on the DSD's website in Late October, 2019. Winners will be notified by letter and invited to attend the prize presentation to introduce their winning entries and share their design experience.
- Copyright
- Participants are required to comply with the relevant copyright laws. If the participants infringe the copyright or other related crimes, including but not limited to the submission, reprinting, copying and counterfeiting of the competition, their qualifications will be cancelled. Participants should be responsible for their own legal responsibility, and any legal disputes are irrelevant to the organizer.
- The organizer may copy, use, modify, display, publish and distribute the submitted entries, or distribute them for any media, for publicity or education, without any remuneration or other notice.
- The organizer has the intellectual property rights of the submitted entries, which can be put into production and distributed, displayed or published in any venue as (but not limited to) the promotion of the DSD activities.
- After submitting the application, the participants will agree to all the terms and conditions on behalf of the participants, and will not remove any loss of the organizer from any of the principals who have filed their work for the legal liability and agree to the compensation.
- Personal information collection statement
Personal information is provided by the participants and the relevant materials will only be used for participation in the Drainage Services Department. The information will only be provided by the person handling the application as a review, contact and related use.
- Reference website
DSD Sustainability Report 2017-18: River Revitalisation for the Good of Water
Kai Tak River improvement Works
Harbour Area Treatment Scheme
Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme
Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns