1989 - Formulation of the Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme  1989 - 制订「策略性污水排放计划」

1989 - Formulation of the Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme

1989 - 制订「策略性污水排放计划」

1994 - Commencement of works on Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 1  1994 - 展开「净化海港计划」第一期的建造工程

1994 - Commencement of works on Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 1

1994 - 展开「净化海港计划」第一期的建造工程

1997 - Commissioning of chemically enhanced primary treatment works at Stonecutters Island, as part of HATS  1997 - 昂船洲化学强化一级污水处理厂投入服务,是「净化海港计划」工程的一部份

1997 - Commissioning of chemically enhanced primary treatment works at Stonecutters Island, as part of HATS

1997 - 昂船洲化学强化一级污水处理厂投入服务,是「净化海港计划」工程的一部份

2001 - Full commissioning of HATS Stage 1  2001 - 「净化海港計劃」第一期全面投入服務

2001 - Full commissioning of HATS Stage 1

2001 - 「净化海港计划」第一期全面投入服务

2004 - Public consultation on the way forward for HATS conducted  2004 - 为「净化海港计划」第二期进行公众谘询

2004 - Public consultation on the way forward for HATS conducted

2004 - 为「净化海港计划」第二期进行公众谘询

2009 - Commencement of works on HATS Stage 2A  2009 - 展开「净化海港计划」第二期甲的建造工程

2009 - Commencement of works on HATS Stage 2A

2009 - 展开「净化海港计划」第二期甲的建造工程

2011 - Cross Harbour Race returned in Victoria Harbour  2011 - 维港渡海泳復办

2011 - Cross Harbour Race returned in Victoria Harbour

2011 - 维港渡海泳复办

2012-14 - Seven Tsuen Wan beaches reopened  2012-14 - 重开荃湾七个泳滩

2012 -14 - Seven Tsuen Wan beaches reopened

2012-14 - 重开荃湾七个泳滩

2014 - Breakthrough of deep tunnel system  2014 - 深层隧道全面贯通

2014 - Breakthrough of deep tunnel system

2014 - 深层隧道全面贯通

2015 - Full commissioning of HATS Stage 2A Maiden Voyage for Clean Harbour 1 and Clean Harbour 2  2015 - 「净化海港计划」第二期甲全面投入服务「净港一号」和「净港二号」处女航

2015 - Full commissioning of HATS Stage 2A, Maiden Voyage for Clean Harbour 1 and Clean Harbour 2

2015 - 「净化海港计划」第二期甲全面投入服务「净港一号」和「净港二号」处女航

22016 - 18 - Numerous national and international awards won for the HATS project  2016 - 18 - 「净化海港计划」赢得多个国家及国际奖项

2016-18 - Numerous national and international awards won for the HATS project

2016-18 - 「净化海港计划」赢得多个国家及国际奖项

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