Established in 1989, DSD is one
of the eight departments under the Environment, Transport and Works
Bureau. As at March 2004, the Department had 1,911 staff.
A Safe Workplace
We place the highest priority on safety and health at work. To ensure
our staff are well protected when performing daily duties, we have
implemented various safety measures and organized training courses
and seminars on occupational health and safety for staff. In order
to promote good housekeeping at our sites for the protection of our
staff as well as the community, we also launched a departmental-wide
"Construction Sites Housekeeping Award Scheme" in January 2004. |

Charitable Activities
We actively participate in charitable activities to help the needy
groups. The activities that the department has participated in 2003-04 includethe Community Chest's Green Day, Dress Casual Day, Skip
Lunch Day, DSD Charity Walk, Sower's Action Challenging 12 Hours
Charity Marathon, Oxfam Trailwalker etc. Our Volunteer Team has also organized
and participated in a number of service events in 2003-04, such as
visit to the Precious Blood Children's Village, collection
of second-hand English books and toys for needy children, Oxfam Rice sale and Scarf-knitting
