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Drainage Services Department

World freshwater resource is running short. To ensure sufficient water resources for sustainable development, water conservation and protection as well as exploration of new water resources are of paramount importance. Amongst the possible measures, use of reclaimed water is a long term strategy that carries with it significant meanings.

Reclaimed water is highly treated effluent water which is clear in appearance, odourless and is safe for use.

Reclaimed water can be used widely. International experience in the use of reclaimed water includes cleaning roads and vehicles, irrigating parks and sport fields, flushing toilets, fire fighting, industrial productions, urban development and landscaping. Reclaimed water does not only minimise pollution to the environment and burden to the ecosystem, but also relieves the demand on freshwater resource. This in turn brings about advantages to sustainable development and environmental protection.

Bird-eye view of Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works
Bird-eye view of Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) has introduced a pilot scheme of reclaimed water usage in the Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works (NPSTW), which came into operation in late 2005. Being the first tertiary treatment plant in Hong Kong, NPSTW makes use of advanced chemical, biological, filtering and disinfection processes. The resultant reclaimed water is purified and odourless and is safe for a wide range of non-potable uses.

Reclaimed water is used for rearing fishes
Reclaimed water is used for rearing fishes


The Chief Executive put forward the Total Water Management Scheme in the 2003 Policy Address. An inter-departmental working group, led by the Water Supplies Department (WSD) with the participation of DSD and Environmental Protection Department (EPD), was established. A pilot project was implemented in the Ngong Ping STW to use reclaimed water for controlled irrigation, rearing aquarium fishes and flushing in nearby public toilets. The experience obtained from this pilot scheme shed light on the feasibility on extending the use of reclaimed water in other parts of the territory. Hence after, DSD also produced and used reclaimed water in Shatin Sewage Treatment Works (STSTW), Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works (TPSTW) and Sai Kung Sewage Treatment Works (SKSTW). In 2016-17, DSD generated reclaimed water at about 1,300 cubic metres per day for non-potable uses.


3D Animation

Adventure Tour of the tertiary treatment in NPSTW

Adventure Tour of the tertiary treatment in NPSTW Adventure Tour of the tertiary treatment in NPSTW



Title Attachment
Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works PDF Version
What is Reclaimed Water? PDF Version
Total Water Management in Hong Kong PDF Version
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